Gemstone Properties
PINK OPAL JADE is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches. It assists fertility and childbirth. Jade balances body fluids.
PREHNITE is considered a "stone of dreaming"; it is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming, and promote communication with other planes of existence. Prehnite crystals will help to teach one to let go of old memories that are painful. If there has been avoidance of the truth due to pain, these crystals will assist you in facing, understanding, and ridding yourself of that pain.
PERIDOT alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, bitterness, irritation, hatred, and greed. It also reduces stress, anger, and guilt. Peridot opens hearts to joy and new relationships. It enhances confidence and assertion, motivating growth, and change.
The mala incorporates a handmade sari silk tassel and is hand-knotted with silver embellishments.
All malas are sourced from Nepal and saged before shipment. It is recommended that you cleanse and charge your mala occasionally. Stones and crystals absorb energy from you and your surroundings. To do this, you can leave your mala in the full moonlight or sage your mala.
Length: 22 inches (8mm beads) long down the neckline when measured from the back of the neck down to the middle of the torso.