

Regular price $90.00
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Gemstone Properties

HOWLITE is a stone that aids in releasing attachments and stopping self-criticisms. It helps with restlessness, insomnia, and sleep and promotes clear and peaceful communication. The stone teaches patience and assists with focus and attaining ambitions. Howlite also calms an overactive mind, reducing anxiety and stress.

RUDRAKSHA seeds, or the wanderlust seeds, offers protection for those traveling and is believed to create a protective layer of one's own energy to maintain peace when the external energy differs from the internal energy. The seeds are believed to bring eternal blessings and hold strong healing properties. The seed promotes awakening consciousness by creating a sacred connection between mind, body and soul.

The mala also incorporates a handmade sari silk tassel and is hand-knotted.

All malas are sourced from Nepal and saged before shipment. It is recommended that you cleanse and charge your mala occasionally. Stones and crystals absorb energy from you and your surroundings. To do this, you can leave your mala in the full moonlight or sage your mala.

Length: 24 inches (8mm beads) long down the neckline when measured from the back of the neck down to the middle of the torso.